
✅ English, Mandarin and Malay version available.

✅ Suitable for children aged 0-3.

✅ Hardcover and paperback available. * Only paperback available for Malay version

Book Intro

Itchy, itchy!

The big tree’s waist was itching, who climbed up to its waist?

The earth’s belly was itching, who was hopping around on its belly?

The baby, too, was itching, what was happening?


About the Author and Illustrator

Wang Ling (Author), notable author of children’s literature, member of the China Writers Association, and also an early childhood education researcher. Published hundreds of books, such as fairy tales, nursery rhymes and thousands of articles about early childhood education. Her works have been selected as kindergarten’s teaching materials for many times. Published works include Goodbye, Lotus Pond, The Fireflies who Move Their House, The Noisy World and the Quiet World. Won the China National Book Award and Bing Xin Children’s Literature Award.

Nan Sang (Illustrator), young illustrator, picture book author, graduated from the Picture Books Studio of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Published Work includes The Long Hair Girl. The Playground won the Hsin Yi Picture Book Award.


  • 作者
  • Wang Ling & Nan Sang
  • 书号
  • ISBN
  • 编号
  • QMEH03
  • 重量
  • 0.5 kg
  • 尺寸
  • 19.1cm x 19.1cm
  • 库存
  • 199