Zi Peng was from 2074. Due to an accident, he fell into a cave and went back in time with a strange looking unicorn to the Natural Wind Farm of 2014. He even started a fire in a storeroom accidentally and injured the unicorn.
When Zi Peng was feeling helpless, he found out that he was not unfamiliar with the Natural Wind Farm. It was actually the place where his grandmother and mother grew up. It was also a corner that faded away after a global catastrophe. It was the past that no one could go back to, but now he was standing in this place. His grandmother’s story emerged in his mind. His mother once said that his grandmother went through an unexplainable adven-ture when growing up. When she was 12 years old, she met someone from the future also known as “Zi Peng”. He could not help but suspect himself to be that man from the future.
Therefore, Zi Peng decided to follow the path of “the man from the future”. Every step he took was piecing the story together. He had to be extremely careful with each step. If he followed the path in sequence and did not stray, would he be able to go back to 2074?
- 我看过无数以穿越为主题的小说,沈雨仙是第一位用另一种手法把穿越呈现出来的作者。——蔡慧玲
- 在阅读《从现在到未来》之前,我认为这是一本科幻小说。但是,读完这本书后,我头脑闪过的结论是:这不只是时光旅行,更是寻找生命意义的时光旅行!作者沈雨仙不只让笔下的主角——治朋,体验一趟时光旅行,也让我体验了作者笔下的自然风农庄的美丽。——卢嘉庆
- 一直以来,我害怕生离死别,但是《从现在到未来》里的情节犹如一位辅导师,开解我对生离死别的恐惧。有些事情的发生是突如其来,也让人意想不到的,可是生命中拥有许多是我们无法改变的,我们能做到的,也只有珍惜每一次的相聚,接受每一场的离别。伤心过了、痛苦过了、难过过了,亦不能改变事实,我们也只能够承受生离死别带来的伤害。——李美瑾
- 我觉得这本小说绝对值得一读,甚至是一读再读。这本书就像一杯好茶,吞下肚后,其甘甜滋味却还停留在口中,唇齿留香,让人一再回味,也让人忍不住再多喝几杯…… ——李嘉譞
- 这本小说告诉了我们,凡事要乐观面对,最坏的时候总会过去。所谓:“贫人愁贫贫不去,病人愁病病不疗”,即使人生路上充满荆棘,也别忘了前方的康庄大道。要告诉自己,不要被困难打倒,以免败了士气。——王翔
- 这本小说让我发现预知未来有好处,也有坏处。好处就像是看一部电影的预告片;而坏处就像是别人告诉你电影里所有有趣的情节然后你再看的感觉。亲身体验才能感受到生活中的乐趣。——邝诗琪
- 书号
- ISBN 978-967-0564-23-4
- 编号
- XSH-57
- 重量
- 0.36 kg
- 尺寸
- 21cm x 15cm
- 出版日期
- 18-04-2014
- 库存
- 4