
风云人物郑小强系列  : (共7本)

1. HT-01 《风云人物郑小强 01  : 风云人物郑小强》

2. HT-03 《风云人物郑小强 02 : 神奇望远镜》

3. HT-06 《风云人物郑小强 03 : 羽毛》

4. HT-10 《风云人物郑小强 04 : 木屋》

5. HT-18 《风云人物郑小强 05 : 阿姨要结婚》

6. HT-25 《风云人物郑小强 06 : 不一样的假期》

7. HT-30 《风云人物郑小强 07 : 蓝头发的女孩》



 《风云人物郑小强 01  :风云人物郑小强》


Zheng Xiao Qiang is a mischievous boy who always helps himself to voluminous Coca Cola drinks and dances around with music blaring away while his mother is out. His greatest interest is keeping lizards! Once, his playful tricks nearly landed him in the police lockup. His mother was often called to school to meet the headmaster due to his various antics. The headmaster could even recognize him from a distance away.After getting to know You You, the white cat and his neighbour, Mei Mei, he gradually found intriguing changes in himself. Why is this so?


《风云人物郑小强 02 : 神奇望远镜》


Zheng Xiao Qiang's father brought a telescope home from Arabia. The old man who sold him the telescope had said that it was the only telescope in the world that could see things which were furthest away. Xiao Qiang took a look through the telescope but he could not see a single thing! Had his father been cheated or the telescope had certain powers that Xiao Qiang did not know?


《风云人物郑小强 03 : 羽毛》


Zheng Xiao Qiang found that You You had brought back many feathers and hid them in its basket. He suspected that the feathers were taken from the No. 13 house opposite theirs. The house had been vacant for a long time. Due to that, it looked very eerie. Xiao Qiang was curious about the origin of the feathers and decided to investigate. In the process, he found that the feathers had a mysterious power. A series of miraculous and interesting happenings started from here!


《风云人物郑小强 04 : 木屋》


It was school holiday. Xiao Qiang followed his grandma to have a short stay in the village. There was a rubber estate behind grandma’s old house, and a hill nearby. Xiao Qiang felt that the village was really a great place as there were a lot of fun places there. To Xiao Qiang, the happiest thing was to play with his Indian friend - Sammy. Once, Xiao Qiang followed Sammy to go up the hill to nd some herbs to cure Sammy’s mother’s sickness. On the hill, Xiao Qiang found a wooden cabin. Sammy told him that it was a haunted house! What was actually inside the mysterious wooden cabin? This time, what kind of interesting experience would Xiao Qiang have?


《风云人物郑小强 05 : 阿姨要结婚》



Xiao Qiang’s aunt was getting married. Before he departed to Sarawak to attend the wedding, his mother astounded him with a big problem—she wanted Xiao Qiang to substitute his cousin, A-Tai to become a pageboy. He felt that he was too old to become a pageboy at 11. If Fatty and other busybodies knew that he carried the basket of flowers and sprinkled the flowers during the wedding, how would he be able to live with dignity? Xiao Qiang did not want to promise his mother, but if the weird cousin became the pageboy, his aunt’s wedding would be a big mess…It was a headache for Xiao Qiang. What should he do?


《风云人物郑小强 06 : 不一样的假期》



《风云人物郑小强 07 : 蓝头发的女孩》







  • 作者
  • 永乐多斯
  • 书号
  • ISBN
  • 编号
  • HT-01030610182530-SET
  • 重量
  • 2 kg
  • 尺寸
  • 15CM x 21CM x 10CM
  • 库存
  • 97